Tuesday, November 10, 2009

After watching the video, the general theme and thing that I felt was most important to learn and remember was that technology really can influence a students way that no other lesson or activity can. It provides students with more hands on activities. it allows them to create things that can easily be fixed or changed without taking too much time. It introduces them to new technological resources that are available to them, and gives them the advantage of already knowing how to use them properly. Many studetns come to school with very little on no access or experience with any type of technology. Techonology, specifically computers, are used so much in society, and if school don't provide students with opportunities to work with and explore those types of technology, they will be seriously behind. I think they made if very clear of all the possible lessons and programs that students can be easily taught to use, but that will enhance their learning process tremendously. It seemed that the two things they seemed to think that stuetns benefit the most from are learning how to use the internet appropriately/effectively, and also using programs for different project (art) related activities. I think it is important to learn from these videos that it is the responisibility of teachers to feel comfortable using different technology resources, and also provide opportunities for students to learn from it too.

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