Monday, November 23, 2009

These are pictures of the students using the ELMO to explain how they solved different math problems

Monday, November 16, 2009

Technology Used By Teacher

There is a wide range of technology that is available to the students and teachers at my school. Although my teacher does make good use of the technology she has, she definitely doesn't use all of her many resources to her advantage. The technology resource she uses the most is the ELMO. She is constantly displaying different worksheets or papers up on the board so that the students can see exactly what she is referring to. It is supposed to be shared among all the 2nd grade class, but it seems to stay in her classroom majority of the time. If she ever needs it, she has it, and teachers always have to come to her to borrow it. I think it is a great resource because it is convenient for the teacher, and also easy but beneficial for the students to work with. She also frequently uses her own computer. During writer's workshop, she often plays soft music to help the students focus better [also more fun for the students], and she uses it to show student's different websites that they can use when they want to learn more about something. The attendance is also done through a program on her computer. When we were doing our technology inventory of the school, we learned that there were mobile computer labs [40 laptops] that can be easily shared, but our teachers rarely use them. There is also time for students to use the actual computer lab, but teachers have to sign up for times, and I haven't seen them go there once in the 3 weeks I have been at the school. This is unfortunate because computer skills are crucial to a students education, and not all of the students have access to one at home.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

After watching the video, the general theme and thing that I felt was most important to learn and remember was that technology really can influence a students way that no other lesson or activity can. It provides students with more hands on activities. it allows them to create things that can easily be fixed or changed without taking too much time. It introduces them to new technological resources that are available to them, and gives them the advantage of already knowing how to use them properly. Many studetns come to school with very little on no access or experience with any type of technology. Techonology, specifically computers, are used so much in society, and if school don't provide students with opportunities to work with and explore those types of technology, they will be seriously behind. I think they made if very clear of all the possible lessons and programs that students can be easily taught to use, but that will enhance their learning process tremendously. It seemed that the two things they seemed to think that stuetns benefit the most from are learning how to use the internet appropriately/effectively, and also using programs for different project (art) related activities. I think it is important to learn from these videos that it is the responisibility of teachers to feel comfortable using different technology resources, and also provide opportunities for students to learn from it too.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Technology Inventory

There are many different forms of technology available for the teachers/students, but everything is shared either among the entire school or each grade level. In the classroom that I am working in, the only technology they always have in their classroom is a tape player, CD player, and the teachers personal laptop. The teacher occasionally uses the audio devices to let students listen to recorded stories or songs, but she uses her own laptop for that purpose most of the time. She is able to connect her computer to the Elmo to project certain things for the class. I was surprised that there wasn't a single computer for the students to use, but I guess if the teacher wanted to use the computers, it wouldn't be too difficult to get access to some. The students watched one movie, and the tv had access to VHS and DVD. However, that also had to be shared among all of the second grade-maybe even with third too. It seems that they have a lot of resources, but the teachers don't really take advantage of everything they have.

-I completed the mid-course evaluation, informed consent, and technology inventory